“Prayer is the evidence that I am spiritually concentrated on God.”
– Oswald Chambers
8:30pm | Chapel
Friday Night Prayer is an open and safe space to unload and call upon the Lord through worship and prayer. This night is devoted to loving the Lord and pushing deeper into His presence together as we intercede on behalf of one another, our community, city, and the nations.
“Converting our unceasing thinking into unceasing prayer moves us from a self-centered monologue to a God-centered dialogue.”
– Henri Nouwen
9:00am | Main Sanctuary
Pre-Service Prayer is a gathering of passionate leaders and intercessors who contend for our Sunday Celebration Service. The purpose is to press in for a greater collective experience of God’s glory. Pre-Service Prayer typically starts two hours before service starts.
He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no one to intercede.
Isaiah 59:16
GPS is a night dedicated to intercede on behalf of the nations. God is the Creator and His heart is not only for those who believe, but those who are lost and broken. God reveals His glory to all peoples that He might receive the glory from all peoples. As a community, we will learn about the needs and strongholds of specific nations to better serve and intercede for the different people groups and nations.
“Sending leads to preaching. Preaching leads to hearing. Hearing leads to believing. Believing leads to calling on the name of the Lord. Notice that believing is not the climax. There is one more step for demonstrating a real and living faith, and that is calling out to God with all of ones heart and soul.”
– Jim Cymbala, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire
Global Prayer Team Leader
When we pray, it is because we desire to be in constant conversation with God and to seek intimacy with Him. God always meets us when our hearts are genuine for Him. Prayer is not dependent on how we feel, but it is focused on the works of Jesus Christ and what God is doing within and around us. Our focus shouldn’t be on finesse or words of eloquence, but on looking to Christ and making sure that first and foremost, we are seeking the presence of God.
I know it sounds basic, but in midst of serving and ministry, we tend to lose sight of why we do the things we do. Growing in my prayer life, it has been challenging and overwhelming, but it has also been a huge blessing and my faith in God has grown tremendously. We all desire the expansion of God’s Kingdom as disciples of Christ, but the reality of changing the world is only by the power of God Himself. It is by prayer that the spirit of God moves to change us and the world through us. How awesome is it that our merciful Father chooses to use us for His Kingdom work and that we can be witnesses to His omnipotent power and glory!
In Christ,
Deborah Shim
Global Prayer Team Leader
When we pray, it is because we desire to be in constant conversation with God and to seek intimacy with Him. God always meets us when our hearts are genuine for Him. Prayer is not dependent on how we feel, but it is focused on the works of Jesus Christ and what God is doing within and around us. Our focus shouldn’t be on finesse or words of eloquence, but on looking to Christ and making sure that first and foremost, we are seeking the presence of God.
I know it sounds basic, but in midst of serving and ministry, we tend to lose sight of why we do the things we do. Growing in my prayer life, it has been challenging and overwhelming, but it has also been a huge blessing and my faith in God has grown tremendously. We all desire the expansion of God’s Kingdom as disciples of Christ, but the reality of changing the world is only by the power of God Himself. It is by prayer that the spirit of God moves to change us and the world through us. How awesome is it that our merciful Father chooses to use us for His Kingdom work and that we can be witnesses to His omnipotent power and glory!
The Purpose of Prayer
The disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray because they rightly discerned that his prayer life was the key to his power and ministry. The great crisis of prayer is not that we don’t pray enough, but that we don’t know why we don’t pray enough. Every believer knows that they should pray more, but most believers can’t figure out how to get themselves to pray.
As you meditate on the Lord’s prayer, you realize that if you pray as Jesus prays, you will live as Jesus lives, but you will only pray as Jesus prays if you value what Jesus values. In our culture it is so easy to attempt to live a life like Jesus did in a legalistic way. However, through the Lord’s prayer we are given the insight that embodies the value system of Jesus Christ.
As we grow spiritually and confront the places in which we don’t value what Jesus values, the Spirit of God will begin to transform us so that we begin to will and do that of His good pleasure. The soul that surrenders its thoughts for the thoughts of Jesus Christ is the soul that follows hard after God.
Genesis of Global Community Prayer
Global Community was founded on a culture of prayer and intercession. In the past, the members our church would gather and intercede for breakthrough within the house. We journeyed and prayed through 2 Chronicles 7:14
We continue to stand on that promise and believe for God to pour out revival upon our land. Although our prayer ministries have varied the past couple years, one thing that always remains is our faith in the promise that whatever we ask for in Jesus’ Name will be given (John 14:13).
We firmly believe that there is a mantle of prayer the body of Christ is called to take up in these end times, and it is our greatest joy and privilege to partner with God to contend for the greatest movement of the Holy Spirit our world has ever seen.